Inviting Suggestions on Reforms for Strengthening for Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions

Inviting Suggestions on Reforms for Strengthening for Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions
Start Date :
Aug 10, 2023
Last Date :
Aug 15, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

To address the growing concerns in the present Accreditation and Ranking systems of the Government of India had constituted a High-Level Committee. This Committee considered the ...

To address the growing concerns in the present Accreditation and Ranking systems of the Government of India had constituted a High-Level Committee. This Committee considered the introduction of strategic reforms consistent with the vision of the National Education Policy 2020 and the need for adopting a simple, trust-based, objective and rationalized system for approval, accreditation and ranking of Higher Educational Institutions with a verifiable and secured centralised database through technology-driven modern systems. Methodologies for facilitating Ease of Doing Business for the stakeholders, duly facilitating students in making more informed choices for selection of institutions/ programmes were also considered by the Committee.

After a series of deliberations, a High-Level Committee has submitted its draft Report on ‘Transformative Reforms for Strengthening Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions in India’ to the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India.

In light of this, MyGov, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, seeks feedback and suggestions from all the stakeholders for the finalisation of the report.

This report has now been placed in the public domain until August 15, 2023.

Showing 243 Submission(s)
John mathew 1 year 3 weeks ago

In each and every institution the total number of students should be equally divided with the number of teaching and non-teaching staff who were involved in the academic growth of student for eg 1000 students may be divided by total number of 100 staffs that means per staff will get 10 students,these 10 students may be under a continuous care of 1 staff over their academic year of study ,which will be very easy to trace that student discipline, academic progress etc.,so that all 1000 students of a institution will be under control and the development of academic level will increase
John mathew k

Usha K 1 year 3 weeks ago

we need to think about the fees are charged. form middle class it's becoming dream to pay primary and high school fees we can't even think of higher education.
along with new reforms, we must have reform for fee structure.

Himanshu Chauhan 1 year 3 weeks ago

Honorable Minister,
1. For strengthening the periodic assessment , govt. must ensure that the assessment conducted by the authority must be of similar level for same class.
2. Students must also be given some projects , or working models to make , based on current topics .
3. Only study and test , must not be the only way to make student learn something .
4. Assessment can also be performed in the form of debate , or speech (topic given 5 min before in speech).
5. Intuitions must tell students about the society and social life outside .

As per my opinion ,
Public speaking is a must , institutions must ensure that atleast quarterly this must take place.

Thank you

Sachin 1 year 3 weeks ago

biometric attendence for every student and teacher to be mendatory in college.
Skill and personality development classes will also helpfull.

Vinodkumawat 1 year 3 weeks ago

शिक्षा एक ऐसा शब्द है जो विद्यार्थी को अवगत कराता है शिक्षा ऐसे देनी चाहिए की विद्यार्थी और गुरु दोनों की समझ में आना चाहिए ऐसी शिक्षा होती है शिक्षा का महत्व होता है किसी को ज्ञान प्रदान करना और किसी व्यक्ति का मनोबल बढ़ाना

RajniDeviKapil 1 year 3 weeks ago

Reforms in Periodic Assessment for all higher education specialisation should include
1. Internal and External assessment of students once every term with a centralized and standarized assessment system.
2. Inter-state collaboration of Institutes of higher learning, with one central curriculum irrespective of state.
3. Faculty feedback to be taken regularly and training workshops twice a year to update them with global trends as they are the stakeholders too. In fact , creating an improved social standing of educators can be a filip to the education system.
4. For Accreditation the use of the rubrics of
*increased student enrollment
*student research projects
*societal upliftment initiatives
*parental satisfaction
can be taken up as the parameters.

vunnavalalita 1 year 3 weeks ago

आदरणीय शिक्षा मंत्री जी नमस्ते,
सरकार आइ आइ टी जैसे उच्च संसथाओ के लिये बहुत खर्च कर रही है,। मेरिट के अनुसार उन्हे सीट दिया जाता है। पर कुछ विद्यार्थी पढाई पूरी करने के पहले ही या पढाई पूरी होने के पहले विदेश चला जाता है इस के कारण जो जो देश में ही रहकर पढना चाहता है उसे सीट नही मिलता वह उच्च शिक्षा के लिये वंचीत रहता है। पर जिस विद्यार्थी को सीट नही मिला और न वह पैसे खर्च कर विदेश जा पाता है
सरकार को नियम बनाना चाहिये कि उच्च शिक्षा में प्रवेश लेने के बाद वह कम से कम दस साल तक विदश जाने की अनुमती न दिया जाय।

vunnavalalita 1 year 3 weeks ago

उच्च शिक्षा में या नौकरियो में महिलाओ को उम्र में छुट देनी चाहिये।

Suresh Pandey_34
Suresh Pandey 1 year 3 weeks ago

accreditation of Higher educational institutions will definitely help students for selection of institutions to pursue higher studies.Firstly we need to have a set standard to evaluate the teaching faculty and have a national common database to rank the teaching staff PAN India. Secondly there should be evaluation of facilities and administrative arrangements towards conducting that level of classes or courses. it can be any particular ISO/BIS standard of evaluation and this should be on public domain.