Common Solutions for all cities

Common Solutions for all cities
Start Date :
Jun 14, 2015
Last Date :
Jun 21, 2015
01:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

While each smart city will have distinctive features specific to its location, demography, culture and other such factors, there maybe smart solutions to problems which are common ...

While each smart city will have distinctive features specific to its location, demography, culture and other such factors, there maybe smart solutions to problems which are common to all cities. This contest seeks to identify such smart and innovative solutions to common problems.
All questions in this category must be answered to be considered as a complete submission and to be eligible for short-listing.
1. Out of the following 21 smart solutions, select 3 solutions that should be applied to all Indian cities and provide a brief write-up (max. 50 words) to explain why.
2. Describe a ‘smart’ idea that you have seen in some other city(anywhere in the world) that you would like to see replicated in your own city. ‘Smart idea’ means doing more with less.
3. Describe 3 ways that Indian cities can reduce the gap between rich and poor.
4. List out 5 essential facts about your local municipal corporation that should be available to all citizens.
Entry Deadline
• Entries may be submitted online on the portal latest by 23.59 hours (11.59 pm) on Saturday, 20th June 2015.
The submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Do-ability (50%)
• Innovation (50%)
Two winners in each category will be awarded a citation from the Prime Minister at the Smart City Mission Launch on June 25th, 2015 at VigyanBhavan, New Delhi, along witha cash prize of the following amounts:
Rs. 40,000 - First Prize
Rs. 25,000 - Second Prize

The winning ideas would be shared with the 100 SmartCities as potentiallyimplementablesolutions and will be considered for pilot

• All questions in a particular category must be answered to be considered as a complete submission and to be eligible for short-listing.
• The participants(s) entries will be judged for each category independently and on merit. In case of short listing in more than one category, a participant will receive prize money for one category only.
• The length of each answer is limited to 250 words or less.
Click here for Terms & Conditions and details of Prize amount

Under Review
Showing 694 Submission(s)
Avinav Kumar
Avinav Kumar 9 years 3 months ago

1.a Video Crime monitoring: A safe environment ensures steady and healthy development. Video crime monitoring can keep a watch on the city in real time taking note of suspicious activities. Instead of just recording the events the crime monitoring system can go a step further and prevent a crime from happening by using beacon lights and speakers, operated from command center, to scare the culprits away.

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

A-Duty timings of municipal workers is not known
B. No list of municipal workers and their seniors is available to citizens
C. A lot of workers are on the rolls but never show up at work

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

Answer4- 1-Public Participation in budgets and development plans – Public participation should be there which sets down how money will be raised and spent. The council should approve an overall plan for how development should take place in the area. This is called Public integrated development plan [PIDP] and all projects and planning should happen within the framework of the PIDP.
2-Information about municipal workers should be available to every citizen. The problems which come-

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

3-Common Housing for Rich and Poor in a Smart City
The housing schemes in a smart city should be common for all. Rich people and poor people can live in a same apartment or in a same housing scheme. It may change the way of thinking and can reduce the gap between rich and poor.

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

Answer3- 1-Improve public schools; unify them
There's no surer ticket out of poverty than a solid education. But that education has to be affordable and it has to be equally distributed. It may Reduce the gap between Rich and poor.
2-Public Transportation
In a smart city the transportation should be Public. Maximum should travel daily by Bus, metro train or any other Public transportation. It may reduce the gap between rich and poor.

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

Value Proposition-
A-Reduces travel times by 20 per cent
B-Puts you ahead of potential congestion
C-Enables awareness of real-time conditions
D-Makes green a priority and reduces CO2 emissions by more than 15 per cent

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

Answer2- Smart Traffic - Reduce urban traffic congestion and improve air quality through centralised, real-time adaptative traffic management-
1-Reduce traffic congestion
2-Improve air quality
3-Generate fast and coordinated response to current traffic conditions and incidents
4-Reduce travel times
5-Increase road and driver safety
6-Be aware of potential congestion

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

3- Smart Public Services Solutions
Citizens need ever-more information and support services from the city government – which also needs to ensure their availability to all, young and old, rich and poor, despite budgetary pressure. Cities and their citizens need and expect effective public services.

Lokesh Chahar 9 years 3 months ago

2-Smart Integration Solutions
Integration of operations and information further optimizes overall city efficiency. Creating connections between the different operating systems provides the tools, dashboards and intelligence so that the city government can improve city efficiency and so that citizens and companies can get better information and services.