How to ensure transparency and good governance in Indian Olympic Association and National Sports Federations while ensuring their autonomy?

How to ensure transparency and good governance in Indian Olympic Association and National Sports Federations while ensuring their autonomy?
Start Date :
May 08, 2015
Last Date :
Jun 08, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Indian Olympic Association (IOA) is the National Olympic Committee of India and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee. IOA is, inter alia, responsible for the ...

Indian Olympic Association (IOA) is the National Olympic Committee of India and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee. IOA is, inter alia, responsible for the preparation and participation of Indian sportspersons and teams in the Olympic Games as well as in Regional events like Commonwealth and Asian Games. The other responsibilities undertaken by the IOA include deciding the organisation of National Gamesand promoting and developing the Olympic Movement.

National Sports Federations (NSFs) are responsible for promotion and development of specific sports disciplines. Conduct of National championships and participation of Indian sportspersons and teams of a specific sports discipline in World Championships, Asian Championships and Commonwealth Championships, among others, is responsibility of the concerned NSF.

IOA and NSFs are autonomous bodies registered under Societies Registration Act. Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has been insisting with IOA and NSFs to ensure transparency and good governance in their functioning and selection of sportspersons for participation in international tournaments.

The last date for submission of your comments is 7th June, 2015.

Showing 187 Submission(s)
Sumit kumar_63
Sumit kumar_63 8 years 11 months ago

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pranav pratap singh
Pranav Pratap Singh 9 years 1 month ago

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Abhijeet Kumar Varma 9 years 3 months ago

It's a different matter whether headed by some veteran sports person or by some political leader. Question is the candidate representing India in Olympic is the best the best in his/her field or is there many athletes resides who weren't getting an opportunity to demonstrate themselves. Govt. Should takes some initiatives measures in allocating the best person to achieve hopefully all golds medals in olympics by giving open auditions as some of reality shows in Tv were/are doing state wise.

Neha Sharma_10
Neha Sharma_10 9 years 3 months ago

I feel the one who has struggled hard to become an ironic sportsperson and has become an inspiration for all should be made the head of Sports Authority of India. Apart from that accountability should be more enhanced. Rural children can contribute largely in making India number 1 in all the sports. Providing them with good facilities, proper meals can actually turn into an investment with huge output.

Abbinaya Kuzhanthaivel
Abbinaya Kuzhanthaivel 9 years 3 months ago

" Bend the twig; not the tree." So young Indians must be identified with their talents at their school stage.Further motivations must be given to achieve their goals throughout their schooling. Parents in India fear for their children's career. As there is sports quota to join colleges..sports quota can be introduced to get job opportunities. As recently I read in the newspaper that our kabadi players winning the world cup wasn't welcomed or respected as cricketers.Ever sport must be encouraged.
rahul mittal 9 years 3 months ago

(पार्ट 3) सर चयनकर्ता की नियुक्ति अध्यक्ष ना करे ,बल्कि जीवित पूर्व खिलाडी के पदार्पण की तिथि के कर्मनुसार शुरू के 5 खिलाडी चयनकर्ता बने  ,जो ना बनना चाहता हो तो अगले खिलाडी को मौका मिलना चाहिए ,जिस खिलाडी ने सबसे ज्यादा मैच खेले हो वोह मुख्या चयनकर्ता बने |ये क्रम आगे चलता रहे ।इस प्रक्रिया से सेलेक्टोर्स को स्वायत्ता मिलेगी ।
rahul mittal 9 years 3 months ago

(पार्ट-2)राष्ट्रीय कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव में भी इसी प्रकार 50 % वोट्स पूर्व रास्ट्रीय खिलाडी और 50 % वोट्स राज्य संघ के अध्यक्ष के होंगे| खिलाडियों की संख्या कम करने के लिए कम से कम 10 मैच खेलने की पात्रता रखी जा सकती है | इन चुनावो में नेता भी भाग ले सकते है मगर लाभ के पद और मंत्री पद पर आसीन व्यक्ति भाग नहीं ले सकता |कोई भी व्यक्ति एक पद पर 2 बार से ज्यादा ना रहे | मेरा मानना है की सभी खेल संघ rti के दाएरे में रहे और उनका हर साल कैग से ऑडिट हो चाहे वेह सर्कार से अनुदान भी ना पता हो
rahul mittal 9 years 3 months ago

(1 पार्ट ) सबसे पहले खेल संघो के चुनाव cec की निगरानी में होने चाहिए |पहला कदम हर खेलो की जिला स्तरीय कार्यकारिणी का गठन होना चाहिए ,इस चुनाव में वोटर सम्बंधित खेल के जिले से खेलने वाले पूर्व खिलाडी होंगे |इसी प्रकार राज्य स्तरीय चुनावो में वोटर जिला संघ के अध्यक्ष और राज्य की और से खेलने वाले पूर्व खिलाडी होंगे ,दोनों के वोट्स को 50 -50 % watage मिलेगा | अगर हर जिले में चुनाव संभव नहीं हो तो  सीधे राज्य के पूर्व खिलाडियों के वोट्स के  द्वारा राज्य कार्यकारिणी गठित की जा सकती है ।